Friday, March 16, 2012

row row row your boat!:)!:)!:)!

This is our failed attempt at sailing the lake with the calf sled!!!! 
You do not know how hard we laughed:) 

Hey Look we're walking on water!!!!!!

If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost part of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.  Psalm 39:9-10


  1. Wow, I never thought that'd be possible in March... and I wouldn't have thought I'd see you crammed in a little tub thinking you could sail the mighty seas!! HAHA, I think I was laughing almost as hard as you, just looking at the pictures, looks like fun and WAY too warm for this time of year! And I really like your last post too! Bando cracks me up!! nice! :) I miss you even MORE now!! <3

  2. You need to have your Dad build you a raft like we had when we were kids, even though we only used it in the little dam south of the house it was so much fun too. Ask him if he remembers and make him do that for you. It's always nice to see you guys having so much fun. Where was Paul, laughing with the camera in his hand? Dorothy
